Monday 22 February 2016

DropBox's Little Hold-out

Infamously, within the Mac PowerPC community at least, DropBox no longer supports us. DropBox kept my little iBook G3 up to date. No matter where I wrote something, I could get to it. Once PPC support went, however, I uninstalled the app.

I've not used the iBook in a while. But at the weekend, I dug it out. I have a longstanding challenge to myself to get the iBook to talk wirelessly with my BT HomeHub - a UK wireless hub/router. As ever, I didn't succeed but I did notice that the iBook seemed slower than usual...

The iBook has 640MB of RAM (its max) and runs Mac OS X 10.4.11. Even from rest, it seemed to be using 50-60% of RAM. Hmm. I poked around. Nothing obvious. On a whim, I looked at my login startup items. And there it was. A Dropbox helper. I deleted it and rebooted. And lo and behold... Much less ram in use. Well under 50%.I should have taken more notes in the process, but didn't. But it looked like a difference of maybe 50MB. Which, on a 640MB machine, is quite a bit.

So. If you have ever used Dropbox and have less ram than you'd like, make sure you don't have any startup items you don't need. It all helps.

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